Benefits of Bone Broth
Bone broth is a remarkably healthy and delicious way to increase your intake of healing nutrients, collagen, protein, healthy fats, and more. Adding high-quality bone broth into your diet can positively impact the way you feel mentally and physically.
Bone Broth is excellent for all aspects of your health, but may particularly benefit the following areas:
Immune System
Bones and Muscle Strength
Digestive System
Skin, Hair, and Nails
Joints and Inflammation
Weight Loss
Sustained Energy
How to Add Bone Broth into your Daily Diet
Use it as the base for soups, stews, or smoothies
Serve it as a warm drink, or add it to other drinks like coffee for a richer flavor or bone broth hot chocolate.
Replace the water for bone broth when steaming veggies or cooking quinoa.
"I started drinking bone broth every day. Within a couple of days I noticed increased focus and more sustained energy. After a few weeks, I noticed my skin feeling better, my hair growing faster, and my nails getting stronger. Overall, I felt NOURISHED. My favorite way to drink bone broth is seasoned with curry powder and topped with raw milk!" Co-Founder Nadia
How to Make Bone Broth from Scratch
Making bone broth from scratch is much easier than you might think! Follow these simple steps to make your own fresh bone broth.
1. Start with a few pounds of pasture raised chicken bone, chicken feet, or grass fed/finished beef bones.
These can be leftover bones from a roast or whole chicken, or you can purchase bones from your local farmer or butcher.
2. Add the bones to a slow cooker and cover with filtered water.
It’s important to note that this water will be the liquid for your broth, so you want to make sure to use the highest quality water. We recommend using a Reverse Osmosis filter (this one is our favorite - not sponsored) as this removes the greatest number of toxins and impurities from the water.
If you’re starting from a whole chicken, feel free to throw in any extra fat or skin as well. This will create a richer, more collagen dense broth!
3. Add seasonings.
You can never go wrong with the classic trio: salt, pepper, and garlic. The amount of seasoning will be different for every batch depending on the quantity of bones/liquid and your personal taste preferences. If you’re not confident, start with a small amount of each. You can always add more later on!
If you’d prefer to make it unflavored and season as you use it, that is also a great option.
4. Cover and cook.
Cover the slow cooker, and set the heat to low. We recommend an absolute minimum of 12 hours, but our preferred cook time is 24 hours!
5. Allow to cool.
Turn off the slow cooker and allow the broth to cool to a handleable temperature.
6. Remove the bones and strain.
Grab yourself a fine mesh strainer, some tongs, a bowl for scraps, and whatever container(s) you want to store your broth in.
First, remove as many of the large bones and pieces as possible from the pot. This will make it easier to strain. Next, carefully ladle or pour the remaining broth through a fine mesh strainer into your preferred storage container.
If you plan to use the broth immediately, feel free to pour through the strainer directly into the pot you plan to use.
7. Cool, cover, and store.
Allow the broth to cool to room temperature before putting a lid on your container. Your fresh bone broth can safely last up to 4–6 days if stored in an airtight container in the fridge or in the freezer for up to 6 months.